EMPLOYMENT HORIZONS - History of Changes

2024-03-18 delete email gr..@ehorizons.org
2024-03-18 delete index_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2024-03-18 delete index_pages_linkeddomain gwrcfundraising.com
2024-03-18 delete person Gilsenia Rodriguez
2024-03-18 insert email gr..@ehorizons.org
2024-03-18 insert email kw..@ehorizons.org
2024-03-18 insert person Gilsenia Castro
2024-03-18 insert person Kaylee Wickersham
2024-03-18 update person_description Emily Rovner => Emily Rovner
2024-03-18 update person_title Emily Rovner: Manager of Administrative Services => Director of Strategic Resources
2023-09-28 insert email sc..@ehorizons.org
2023-09-28 insert index_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2023-09-28 insert index_pages_linkeddomain gwrcfundraising.com
2023-07-24 delete email mb..@ehorizons.org
2023-07-24 delete index_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2023-07-24 delete person Marvin Bell
2023-07-24 insert email gr..@ehorizons.org
2023-07-24 insert person Gilsenia Rodriguez
2023-06-23 insert cfo Maria Shatynski
2023-06-23 update person_title Maria Shatynski: Controller; Controller for Employment Horizons, Inc => Chief Financial Officer; Chief Financial Officer for Employment Horizons, Inc
2023-04-06 insert index_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2023-03-05 delete email sc..@ehorizons.org
2023-03-05 insert email kr..@ehorizons.org
2023-03-05 insert person Karen Rynearson
2023-02-01 update person_description Jamie Osborn => Jamie Osborn
2022-12-31 delete coo Wesley Wilson
2022-12-31 delete email ww..@ehorizons.org
2022-12-31 delete person Wesley Wilson
2022-12-31 insert email sc..@ehorizons.org
2022-12-31 insert person Samuel Castro
2022-11-29 insert email jo..@ehorizons.org
2022-11-29 insert person Jamie Osborn
2022-11-29 update person_title Samantha Oras: Chief Operating Officer; Chief Operating Officer to Determine Program Eligibility and to Sign Up => Chief Operating Officer
2022-10-28 insert coo Samantha Oras
2022-10-28 update person_description Samantha Oras => Samantha Oras
2022-10-28 update person_title Samantha Oras: Director of Program Development => Chief Operating Officer; Chief Operating Officer to Determine Program Eligibility and to Sign Up
2022-07-25 delete email jb..@ehorizons.org
2022-07-25 delete person Jacky Burns
2022-07-25 update person_description Maria Shatynski => Maria Shatynski
2022-07-25 update person_title Maria Shatynski: Controller; Financial Controller => Controller; Controller for Employment Horizons, Inc
2022-06-23 insert email ms..@ehorizons.org
2022-06-23 insert person Maria Shatynski
2022-05-23 delete coo Lisa Montalbano
2022-05-23 insert ceo Lisa Montalbano
2022-05-23 update person_title Lisa Montalbano: Chief Operating Officer => Chief Executive Officer
2022-03-21 delete person Jacqueline Burns
2022-03-21 update person_description Jacky Burns => Jacky Burns
2022-03-21 update person_description Samantha Oras => Samantha Oras
2022-03-21 update person_title Marion Cooper: Trustee; Emeritus => Trustee
2022-03-21 update person_title Samantha Oras: Manager of Education Initiatives to Determine Program Eligibility and to Sign Up; Manager of Education Initiatives => Director of Program Development