Updated 18 days ago
241 - 111 Research Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N 3R2 Canada
The Health Quality Council is an independent organization committed to accelerating improvement in health and health care in Saskatchewan...
The Health Quality Council's annual report, tabled in provincial Legislature on July 25, 2024, contains an overview of the work the organization led and participated in over the past year towards accelerating improvement in the quality of health and health care in Saskatchewan...
By using our skills in quality improvement, measurement (research and analytics), collaboration, and skill-building, we partner with and support health organizations, government, and community organizations across the province to drive progress toward better health and better care for all. We place our energy where we believe we can use our skills to make the most impact. Our work is informed by citizens, communities, and shared system priorities impacting health.
Also known as: Health Quality, HQC
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