Updated 27 days ago
7 Bell Yard London WX2A 2JR LONDON
All car keys are cut onsite in our mobile work van. We carry specialist equipment to cut all car key profiles including Ford Tibbe keys which are cut on a dedicated machine. We cut car keys by code, pattern or copy. If you have a key code we can enter the number into our software and let the machinery do the rest. A key code is usually written down on a card in the front of your service book...
if you've lost your only set of keys, We can provide you with a replacement and re-program the new car key to match your vehicle. The old key will be de-programmed to make it useless, in case it has been stolen...
Basic keys can be copied at any dealership, locksmith or hardware Laser-cut, or sidewinder keys, are harder to copy and are more expensive than a basic key. The shank of switchblade key tucks inside the fob when it's not in use. Smart keys are the most advanced and most expensive to replace we can provide you a replacement car key at the best rate depending of your car make
Also known as: Datakeys UK