Updated 91 days ago
333 Las Olas Way CU1, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
SACC Florida is a chapter of the umbrella organization Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America (SACC USA), which is headquartered in Washington DC and consists of 20 regional chambers throughout the United States. Since July 2020, former SACC South Florida & Palm Beach and SACC Miami have united to form one regional chamber, joining forces to serve all of Florida together... The Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce of the United States of America is the umbrella organization for 20 regional Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce across the U.S. The valuable network consists of more than 2,300 members in Sweden and the U.S.; and is a mix of entrepreneurs and business people, venture capitalists, economic developers, political leaders, individual members, and corporate members... SACC-USA and the chambers have established strong relationships with Swedish and American organizations and governmental agencies including: Business Sweden; Swedish Council of..
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