Updated 53 days ago
- Age: 7 years
- ID: 46272722/39
HSTP is a not for profit organization registered in the name of Forum for Health Systems Design and Transformation, a company licensed under section 8 of the Indian Companies Act 2013 and registered at RoC, Mumbai...
Health Systems Transformation Platform (HSTP), formally registered as the Forum for Health Systems Design and Transformation under Section 8 of the Indian Companies Act 2013, was established in May 2018. As a not-for-profit organization, HSTP is committed to generating and applying evidence on health policy and systems to support informed decision-making. Our approach involves a comprehensive analysis of the healthcare landscape, identifying key areas for improvement and collaborating with state governments to design and implement solutions that enhance health system performance. Through rigorous research, HSTP validates these solutions and converts them into actionable knowledge products, which can be scaled for broader national impact.
Also known as: Health Systems Transformation Platform, hstp.org.in