Updated 815 days ago
Friedenbachstrasse 18 D-35781 Weilburg
ThermoTEC is active in the following countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, as well as in cooperation with other partner companies, in Poland and the Czech Republic... Since 1991 ThermoTEC has been specialising in selling and servicing temperature and humidity test chambers, thermal shock chambers, HAST-systems, walk-in chambers as well as other systems for environmental simulation... ThermoTEC has been specialising in selling and servicing climate test technology for more than 30 years. Our product range covers the entire range of applications for environmental test technology: Climate test chambers, thermal shock test chambers, HAST systems as well as other devices and systems for environmental simulations from the renowned manufacturer ESPEC, climate chambers and plant growth chambers for botanical examinations, test chambers and walk-in chambers for the pharmaceutical industry, data logging systems and test chambers for battery tests and weather..
Registration numbers: HRA 2192 (W)
VAT numbers: DE 183 954 517