Updated 19 days ago
15509 Nursery Dr, Minnetonka MN 55345
We intend on utilizing the latest in drone technology to minimize the carbon footprint, help protect dwindling natural resources, and conserve threatened ecosystems. Aerovel has provided us with the opportunity to help conservationists stay ahead of illegal unreported unregulated fishing (IUUF), illegal game hunting and to protect critical forest reserves. This venture provides an in-depth experience into not only drone technology, but the ability to introduce it to a variety of platforms that can help bring forth valuable data in any environment. Beneficiaries of this technology include, local and national governments, departments of defense, and scientific research institutions... SkyLogic understands the security and environmental issues that face the Oil & Gas industry in various areas around the globe. Targeted surveillance, asset tracking, and environmental assessment assistance are only a few of the solutions that can be provided by our technological capabilities. Whether..