Darlene Gordon

Job Titles:
  • Director of Finance and Administration

Glen McDonald - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman

Holly K. Melzer

Job Titles:
  • Vice Chairman

Mark Sheldon

Job Titles:
  • Mayor

Parker W. McClellan Jr.

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director

Richard A. McConnell

Job Titles:
  • Deputy Executive Director

Ronald Rea

Ronald Rea gan Wash ing ton Nation al Air port is in Vir ginia sit u at ed on a total of 860 acres. The air port has a total of 44 gates: 9 in Ter mi nal A and 35 in Ter mi nal B/C. Today, the air field con tains three run ways. Rea gan Nation al's cur rent facil i ties were designed to serve 15 mil lion pas sen gers per year. But more than 23 mil lion pas sen gers trav eled through the air port in 2016, set ting new records and strain ing the exist ing infra struc ture. In response, the air port launched Project Jour ney, a $1 bil lion invest ment to trans form the trav el er expe ri ence inside ter mi nals, at the gates and along the roads. The result will pro vide pas sen gers with greater con nec tiv i ty, more shop ping and din ing choic es and a more pleas ant post-secu ri ty envi ron ment. Future improve ments to road way and park ing con fig u ra tions will address the vehi cle con ges tion pro duced by record-break ing pas sen ger activity.