Bryan York

Job Titles:
  • Operations
Bryan York joined RxEOB with an extensive record of accomplishment in pharmacy and financials management. He has helped design and launch several products and enterprise initiatives. Streamlining workflows to create efficient processes that achieve information security and bring innovation to RxEOB's customers is central to his role with the company. He led the company's efforts in obtaining HiTrust certification and provides operational leadership to the company. He is a certified public accountant licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia and a veteran of the United States Army.

Jacob Ferrell-White

Job Titles:
  • Technology, Chief Information Security Officer
Jacob brings years of architectural and engineering experience to RxEOB with extensive knowledge on the full stack and cycle of software development. His passion for technology is shown by a track record of modernization initiatives such as full infrastructure cloud migrations, change management transformations, and security control implementations. Jake leads the company cyber security efforts to secure and protect information, while ensuring cyber resiliency across the enterprise architecture. He is a graduate of George Mason University and holds various Microsoft Certifications.

Robert Oscar - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Founder
Robert Oscar founded RxEOB in 2000 after seeing the opportunity to bring transparency and clarity to pharmacy purchasers. His experience developing and implementing successful programs to effectively manage pharmacy benefit risk, including pioneering work in the Medicare HMO market, led to him to start his journey as an entrepreneur and build tools that bring market efficiency and transparency to the world of pharmacy benefit use and management. He is a Registered Pharmacist licensed in Virginia and is an active member in the National Council on Prescription Drug Programs and the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy.