Aaron Rodriguez

Job Titles:
  • Vice President of Communications
Aaron is a communications professional with a decade of experience in public service and advocacy. Prior to joining Moyer Strategies, Aaron led rapid response efforts at a number of national advocacy organizations including the Human Rights Campaign, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, and the Immigration Hub. As a political appointee in the Obama administration at the Department of Homeland Security, Aaron helped to guide the agency through several federal emergency response crises including the mass shooting at Pulse Nightclub and the 2016 tax day floods across southeast Texas. He began his career through an internship with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, after which he worked on Capitol Hill in the offices of Congresswoman Gloria Negrete McLeod (CA-35) and Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (CA-19). Aaron was the first in his family to attend college, earning his degree in Multicultural and Gender Studies from California State University, Chico. Aaron lives in Washington, DC with his partner and their pets. In his free time, Aaron enjoys fishing, working on home projects and serves on Mayor Muriel Bowser's Advisory Committee on LGBTQ Affairs.

Chris Moyer - Founder, President

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • President
  • Communications and Campaigns Strategist
Chris is a communications and campaigns strategist who has spent nearly 15 years advising and serving as a spokesperson for high-profile candidates, elected officials, non-profit organizations and corporate CEOs. He began his career working for former Boston Mayor Tom Menino, and he cut his teeth on the campaign trail in Las Vegas as the body man for former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's improbable 2010 re-election. In Washington, he spent several years serving as a communications aide on Capitol Hill for both Senator Reid and former North Carolina Senator Kay Hagan. Chris led communications for the American Gaming Association before returning to the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and for Molly Kelly's gubernatorial race in New Hampshire in 2018. Most recently, he was Senator Cory Booker's New Hampshire communications director for his 2020 presidential campaign. Chris, a native of Hampstead, New Hampshire, is a graduate of Boston University's College of Communication. He lives in the Washington, DC area with his wife, Mari, and their dog, Wolfie.