Updated 182 days ago
- Age: 26 years
- ID: 45247320/22
The West House Alpha Court Swingbridge Road Grantham, Lincolnshire NG31 7XT
Thera was first set up in 1998, and shortly afterwards we started to support 5 people in their own home in Cambridgeshire...
Thera Group supports people with a learning disability across England, Scotland, and Wales. We support people at home, in the local community and for short breaks, giving people real choice and control about how they live their lives. We also offer specialist support in financial advocacy, housing, circles of support, employment, befriending and training. Since 1998, our vision has been to show that people with a learning disability can be leaders in society. We demonstrate this through the employment of people with a lived experience in director positions across the organisation, to ensure everything we do is focused on the needs of people with a learning disability...
Ansar Projects was formed by a local Bury couple in 2010 to provide support to a young man coming out of education and needing the right support on his journey into adulthood.
Registration numbers: 1090163 (W), 3593418 (W)
Associated domains: gigbuddiesscotland.org, theradirect.co.uk, theradirect.com, theradirect.net, theradirect.org, theradirect.org.uk, theraquality.com, theraquality.net, theraquality.org, theraquality.org.uk, thiratrust.com, thiratrust.eu, thiratrust.net, thiratrust.org