Updated 29 days ago
- Age: 8 years
- ID: 44171452/46
23 W. Court St., Ste#1 P.O. Box 72 Warsaw, NY 14569-0072
Disclaimer - The information and content of this website is not legal advice and is given for information purposes only. It is important to consult with an attorney before making any legal decission. Contacting our offices does not create an attorney-client relationship; therefore, please do not provide any confidential information to our office until an attorney-client relationship has been established...
The hiring of an attorney is not a decision that should be made lightly. You want to have an attorney you can trust and who will not only provide you with knowledge and advice, but do so with an oustanding level of integrity and professionalism.
Also known as: FOOTE & MEYER, PLLC