Updated today
- Age: 15 years
- ID: 44157014/46
Southern Company is an energy-based holding company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. It is the parent company and owns all of the common stock of Alabama Power company, Georgia Power company, Gulf Power company, and Mississippi Power company. These operating companies supply electric service in the states of Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and Mississippi, respectively. Additionally, Southern Company owns all of the common stock of Southern Power company, which is also an operating public utility company. Southern Power constructs, acquires, owns , and manages generation assets and sells electricity at market-based rates in the wholesale market. Southern Company also owns all of the outstanding common stock or membership interests of Southern Communications Services, Inc. (SouthernLINC Wireless), Southern Nuclear Operating company, Inc. (Southern Nuclear), Southern Company Services, Inc. (SCS), Southern Company Holdings, Inc., Southern Renewable energy, Inc. and other direct and indirect..
Also known as: Georgia Power