Updated 41 days ago
TIME ELECTRO COMPUTERS is IT Company that delivers IT & IT Support Solutions that add massive value to your business. Clients range from financial institutions, recruitment companies, and Small & Medium Sized Companies and Professional Services businesses...
Customer care isn't just service we provide. It is a commitment we make. At TIME ELECTRO COMPUTERS we understand that the most important element is care, which is why your business is always supported by IT and customer service professionals who have an intimate knowledge of your company and really care about helping you succeed...
Since the beginnings of TIME ELECTRO COMPUTERS, since 1999, we've had one simple mission. To raise the bar in IT support, one business at a time. That's why we offer the best in IT support, security and service for businesses of every size. We are a leading IT Support Company and our expertise is onsite support and provide the IT Desktops, Laptops and Accessories at competitive price.