Updated 902 days ago
Absolute Montage came to us as a revolutionary message founded in Suffolk Park, Byron Bay, by a brotherhood who shared a vision, a vision of the world in a better place, we want to unite what we know best through our practices and found importance in the way we perceived our practices and beyond into the world, as skateboarders and musicians we shared moments in the way we go about our passions and found ourselves at our peak with the power of "Mindfulness"...
Having a mindful approach is focusing one's awareness on the present moment, It helps us let go of any unnecessary negative mindset and brings us to a closer, more clear perspective on any given situation or person, using this technique has improved our wellbeing and connection to people around us, we are creating harmony for the planet with the power of "Unity"...
ABSOLUTE MONTAGE OFFICIAL WEBSITE. design streetwear, Born in Byron Bay, Based in Melbourne. We Embrace The Infinite