Updated 30 days ago
123 Fifth Avenue, NY 10160, New York, USA
Bowers Aluminum Company is a greenfield company providing contract anodizing and fabrication services for aluminum products to manufacturing companies throughout the Midwest, East, South and West territories in a "state of the art" 69,000 square foot facility. We have the capability of handling all of your aluminum anodizing requirements in our fully automated anodizing line; whether it is a small one time requirement or high volume repeatable quantities. We offer the capability of Type II Sulfuric Anodize up to 180" in length and can accommodate aluminum extrusions, stamping's, castings, screw machine parts and most sheet and plate. We also offer Bright Dip and Black Dye if required. Our management and key staff members, collectively, have been involved in the anodize and aluminum component parts field for more than 130 years. We are capable of providing solutions for the most demanding requirements, while maintaining quality at the highest level and at competitive pricing... Bowers..
Also known as: Bowers Aluminum
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