Updated 125 days ago
Private Limited Company
- Active - 01409375 (CH)
- Age: 45 years
- ID: 42103688/50
151 Whiteladies Road, Bristol BS8 2RA UK
• 74300 - Translation and interpretation activities
We produce marketing collateral ranging from email marketing, website content, catalogues, exhibition graphics, headlines, advertisements and social media profiles, as well as business cards, fliers and labels. So, however you choose to promote your service, we'll translate quickly and accurately to ensure you get the results from your marketing that you're looking for...
Drawing on over 50 years' experience, we provide the very best translation services to businesses across a myriad of industries including general commerce, law, medicine, finance, public service and creative...
We've found this model produces great results, as a second pair of ears and eyes can often pick up minor typos and inaudible parts that one person can easily miss. We believe in making the client experience as painless as possible.
Also known as: Language Company, Language Company Group, Language Company Group Limited, THE LANGUAGE COMPANY GROUP LIMITED, The Language Company Group Ltd.
Registration numbers: 01409375 (CH), 1409375 (W)
VAT numbers: 302902989
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