Updated 19 days ago
7A/22 Harris Rd, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013
BodyTech Panel and Paint are experts in their industry. We have been in the industry for XX years. Panel beating is a tough industry with a lot of competition. Patrick knows the importance of customer loyalty and as such he has steadily built up a strong reputation as a quality repairer who looks after clients well...
Bodytech are located at Block 7A, 22 Harris Rd, East Tamaki. Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, Saturday 8.30am-1pm, Sundays and after hours by appointment...
BodyTech only deals with trusted parts suppliers who deliver quality and in a timely manner. Our qualified staff use a pc tablet with every step of the repair outlined and assessed by a senior repairer to ensure on-going quality. We have their own on-site paint shop and expert painters, saving time and money for clients. Keeping every stage of the repair in house allows for comprehensive quality control.
Also known as: Bodytech Panel and Paint Ltd
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