Updated 82 days ago
Private Limited Company
- Active - 11516452 (CH)
- Age: 6 years
- ID: 40547849/56
Watling House, 33 Cannon Street, London, EC4M 5SB
• 64209 - Activities of other holding companies n.e.c.
We offer a diverse range of great properties in prime locations, at good value rents, with flexible terms and a supportive service, across London and the UK...
Our purpose is to make space for businesses to thrive. We are a values led company committed to being accountable for our actions, making a positive impact, building a strong business and unlocking potential. We play a pivotal role within local economies, supporting job creation and driving economic growth. We have an ambition - Project 1000 - to invest £200m to bring 1,000 previously empty and derelict spaces into use by 2030. Our commitment to sustainability is outlined in our 3-year ESG roadmap...
We recognise that our success is rooted in your success. We can offer you flexible terms to allow your business to adjust to changes in demand, helping you to scale up or scale down. We are committed to working with you to ensure your business fulfils its potential as part our wider vision to make space for businesses to thrive.
Also known as: The Arch Co, The Arch Company, THE ARCH COMPANY PROPERTIES LIMITED
Registration numbers: 11516452 (CH), 11518262 (W)
VAT numbers: 309 6358 85
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