Updated 38 days ago
PO Box 443, Betio, Tarawa, Kiribati
PUB is a corporate body, established under the Public Utilities Ordinance, Cap 83, on 1 July 1977, and further amended in 2000 to allow PUB more autonomy in its operations. PUB was more recently established as an SOE under the SOE Act which came into force on 1 August 2013 with a more independent Board of Directors. The principle responsibilities of PUB are to deliver the following services to the population on South Tarawa...
PUB intended to roll out new prepaid electricity meters in October 2023 - that's a year ago! What happened?...
Based on its Vision, Mission and the Identified Strategies, PUB intends to improve its Financial and Operational Performance to become the major contributor and catalyst to the national Economic growth.