REALTORS - History of Changes

2024-09-27 delete treasurer Lenny Powley
2024-09-27 insert otherexecutives Lenny Powley
2024-09-27 update person_title Annalise Sanderson: Board Staff Member; Marketing Director & Adminstrative Assistant => Board Staff Member; Membership Services Director
2024-09-27 update person_title Lenny Powley: Member of the Officers Team; Secretary; Treasurer => Member of the Officers Team; President - Elect
2024-09-27 update person_title Sara Gipson: Mediation Officer; KYR Voting Delegate - ( 2021 - 2023 ) => KYR Voting Delegate - ( 2024 - 2026 ); Mediation Officer
2024-03-10 delete otherexecutives Seth Manea
2024-03-10 delete person Seth Manea
2023-02-04 delete otherexecutives Lenny Powley
2023-02-04 delete otherexecutives Leslie Heath
2023-02-04 delete otherexecutives Nikki Weber Smith
2023-02-04 delete otherexecutives Roy Wikoff
2023-02-04 delete president Jessica Housman
2023-02-04 delete treasurer Brooke Hardeman
2023-02-04 insert otherexecutives Brooke Hardeman
2023-02-04 insert otherexecutives Donnie Roberts
2023-02-04 insert otherexecutives Jessica Housman
2023-02-04 insert otherexecutives Joe Metzger
2023-02-04 insert president Nikki Weber Smith
2023-02-04 insert treasurer Lenny Powley
2023-02-04 delete person Leslie Heath
2023-02-04 delete person Roy Wikoff
2023-02-04 insert person Donnie Roberts
2023-02-04 insert person Joe Metzger
2023-02-04 update person_title Bree Snow: Immediate past President => Director
2023-02-04 update person_title Brooke Hardeman: Member of the Officers Team; Secretary; Treasurer => Member of the Officers Team; President - Elect
2023-02-04 update person_title Cindy Hart: Director => Co - Chair, Jessica Housman Co - Chair; Director
2023-02-04 update person_title Jessica Housman: Member of the Officers Team; President => Immediate past President
2023-02-04 update person_title Lenny Powley: Director => Member of the Officers Team; Secretary; Treasurer
2023-02-04 update person_title Nikki Weber Smith: Member of the Officers Team; President - Elect => Member of the Officers Team; President
2021-06-25 delete source_ip
2021-06-25 insert source_ip
2021-02-13 delete otherexecutives Bree Snow
2021-02-13 delete otherexecutives David Nelson
2021-02-13 delete otherexecutives Melinda Watson
2021-02-13 delete otherexecutives Nikki Smith
2021-02-13 delete president Seth Manea
2021-02-13 delete treasurer Joe Metzger
2021-02-13 insert otherexecutives Brooke Hardeman
2021-02-13 insert otherexecutives Lenny Powley
2021-02-13 insert otherexecutives Missy Brown
2021-02-13 insert otherexecutives Sara Gipson
2021-02-13 insert otherexecutives Seth Manea
2021-02-13 insert president Bree Snow
2021-02-13 insert treasurer Nikki Smith
2021-02-13 delete person David Nelson
2021-02-13 delete person Donnie Roberts
2021-02-13 delete person Joe Metzger
2021-02-13 delete person Melinda Watson
2021-02-13 delete person Shea McGuire
2021-02-13 insert person Brooke Hardeman
2021-02-13 insert person Lenny Powley
2021-02-13 insert person Missy Brown
2021-02-13 insert person Sara Gipson
2021-02-13 update person_title Bree Snow: Member of the Officers Team; President Elect => Member of the Officers Team; President
2021-02-13 update person_title Jessica Housman: Director => Member of the Officers Team; President - Elect
2021-02-13 update person_title Nikki Smith: Director => Member of the Officers Team; Secretary; Treasurer
2021-02-13 update person_title Seth Manea: Member of the Officers Team; President => Immediate past President
2020-01-31 delete otherexecutives Joe Metzger
2020-01-31 delete otherexecutives Sara Gipson
2020-01-31 delete otherexecutives Seth Manea
2020-01-31 delete otherexecutives Suzy Gilland
2020-01-31 delete president Shea McGuire
2020-01-31 delete treasurer Jessica Housman
2020-01-31 insert otherexecutives Jessica Housman
2020-01-31 insert otherexecutives Leslie Heath
2020-01-31 insert otherexecutives Roy Wikoff
2020-01-31 insert president Seth Manea
2020-01-31 insert treasurer Joe Metzger
2020-01-31 delete person Sara Gipson
2020-01-31 delete person Suzy Gilland
2020-01-31 insert person Leslie Heath
2020-01-31 insert person Roy Wikoff
2020-01-31 update person_title Bree Snow: Director => Member of the Officers Team; President Elect
2020-01-31 update person_title Jessica Housman: Member of the Officers Team; Secretary; Treasurer => Director
2020-01-31 update person_title Joe Metzger: Director => Member of the Officers Team; Secretary; Treasurer
2020-01-31 update person_title Seth Manea: Member of the Officers Team; President Elect => Member of the Officers Team; President
2020-01-31 update person_title Shea McGuire: Member of the Officers Team; President => Member of the Officers Team