Beth Tansey Peller

Beth is an AAEG microneedling trainer and is also certified by the American Cellular Medicine Association to use platelet rich plasma (PRP) for the Vampire Facial®, BreastLift®, Hair Restoration®; the O-Shot® and P-Shot®, and assists Dr. Song of Omni Aesthetics when they host AAEG PRP/Vampire Trainings. Beth provides ThermiVa vulvovaginal rejuvenation for women suffering from urinary stress incontinence, vaginal laxity and menopause-related issue and is certified to perform CoolSculpting, as well. Beth has been at Omni Aesthetics since 2016 after a varied career, which included the Pediatric Chemotherapy IV Team at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, where she first learned of the importance of stem cells and platelets, and as a nurse at an adult hematology oncology practice. Other roles ranged from being a clinical research associate, medical writer and as Vice President/Creative Director on advertising campaigns for biologicals such as PROCRIT, Avastin, and several chemotherapeutic agents, which provided insights on the role of growth factors in rejuvenation. After 15 years in medical advertising, Beth returned to nursing as an RN/Health Educator/ Coach in employee health (the "school nurse for big people" as her daughter described) before moving into aesthetics. Beth enjoys helping people look and feel their best. In addition to her nursing credentials, she is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach who provides mentoring and performs practical skills evaluations for Wellcoaches School of Coaching Trainees.

H. William Song

Dr. H. William Song has been teaching and practicing cosmetic surgery and aesthetic medicine since 2007. Previously, he had been serving the New York metropolitan area as a board certified internal medicine specialist since 1995. Dr. Song is recognized as a top trainer of aesthetics practitioners around the world. He is a faculty instructor for the Cellular Medicine Association, Advanced Aesthetics Education Group and the American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians. He has been featured on Good Morning America and the Princeton Community Television as a top expert on various innovative cosmetic procedures.