Updated 43 days ago
30 Airport Road, Suite 1 West Lebanon, NH 03784
Like everyone who sends prayer letters for missionaries, we want you to be able to stay focused on your ministry, knowing that the people who are supporting you with prayer and finances are up to date with your praises, prayers, and needs...
At, we make it easy for you to send high-quality printed prayer letters quickly and easily. You simply write your letter and send it to us with your mailing list. We take care of all the printing, folding, stuffing, and mailing, freeing up your time and energy to minister in the ways you've been gifted...
You can write your letter with whichever software you're most comfortable using. We work with Pages, Word, Publisher, and InDesign regularly, and nearly all programs have an option to save your letter as a PDF.
Also known as: prayer letters
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