Updated 21 days ago
- Age: 94 years
- ID: 39761870/27
367 Baldy Hall Buffalo, NY 14260-1000
Our graduates become leaders in their fields, pursuing careers as university presidents and administrators, principals, superintendents, psychologists, counselors, information specialists, librarians, teachers, faculty and researchers. Our commitment to equity, diversity, justice and inclusion informs everything we do...
In addition to master's and doctoral programs in school librarianship and information science, we offer combined degrees with several departments in which you focus on specialties such as music, law and English. In addition, online programs provide students better access and expanded learning opportunities...
Our work at GSE is most valuable when we serve our local schools and communities. We're dedicated to building and sustaining partnerships with organizations outside UB that are involved in this work every day. As a student, you'll have a chance to participate in research that solves real problems and informs policy for the public good.