TAVITT - Key Persons

Cai Xin

Job Titles:
  • Engineer
  • Blockchain Engineer
Cai has 5 years' experience as a blockchain engineer from the early stage in the blockchain industry. She is engaged in integration with the OKEX blockchain and the OKChain ecosystem at Tavitt.

Emre Bana - CMO

Job Titles:
  • CMO

Lu Xuejing

Job Titles:
  • Communications Manager
In 2018, Riku was in charge of establishing and operating WeChat official accounts and communities at one of the world's 500 largest companies. She was also in charge of data analysis planning various projects based on data regardless of online or offline. In 2020, Riku received an offer from our engineer Cai and joined Tavitt in the same year.

Shuji Oikawa - CIO

Job Titles:
  • CIO
Shuji is a professional designer, video creator and marketer. He previously worked at a video production company and became independent.

Sou Kanazawa - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
Sou founded Tavitt in 2014. He has focused on management of Tavitt since he sold his previous company in 2017. He has 10+ years' experience in EC business in Japan.