Ann Doyen

Ann Doyen joined Successful Equity Management in November 2011. Ann's main responsibilities are managing the day to day operations of the office. She assists Laura with client needs, and operates with the utmost confidentiality. Ann comes to us with experience in the health care field. Her health care experience is a perfect fit for our business, as caring for our clients is our number one priority. She is married with 4 children. Ann enjoys family, sewing and gardening.

Laura Clark-Brown

Laura Clark-Brown started Successful Equity Management Inc. in August 2000, bringing over 20 years of experience. Laura is a Registered Representative with J.W. Cole. Laura's main responsibility is to assist you in clarifying your financial goals and objectives, and then recommending appropriate strategies to help you attain your desired financial objectives. She functions as your "Financial Coach" - that is, she helps to ensure that all of the critical areas of your financial picture are properly coordinated and working correctly. Laura built Successful Equity Management, Inc. through a meticulous work ethic and by focusing on an investment ideology suitable for retirees and investors concerned about the preservation of their wealth. Her clients take a great comfort in her expertise, 20+ years of experience, commitment to meeting clients needs: attention to detail and service-oriented approach.