MONEYBROKER - History of Changes

2025-02-07 delete coo Ron Cuadra
2025-02-07 delete president Christine Xu
2025-02-07 insert ceo Christine Xu
2025-02-07 delete person Vivian Luo
2025-02-07 insert person Kelly Zang
2025-02-07 update person_description Christine Xu => Christine Xu
2025-02-07 update person_description Michael Cuadra => Michael Cuadra
2025-02-07 update person_description Patricia Lam => Patricia Lam
2025-02-07 update person_description Ron Cuadra => Ron Cuadra
2025-02-07 update person_title Christine Xu: Member of Several US; President => Principal Mortgage Broker ( Mortgage Broker Level 2, Lic.M08000638 ) Christine Brings over Two Decades of Distinguished Experience [ ]; CEO
2025-02-07 update person_title Michael Cuadra: VP Underwriting and Sales (Lic. M17002234) => VP Underwriting and Sales ( Mortgage Agent Level 2, Lic.M17002234 )
2025-02-07 update person_title Patricia Lam: VP Sales & Underwriting ( Lic. M08001627 ) => VP Underwriting and Sales ( Mortgage Agent Level 2, Lic.M08001627 )
2025-02-07 update person_title Ron Cuadra: COO => Chief Operating Officer ( Mortgage Agent Level 2, Lic.M18002524 )
2024-03-08 delete evp Ron Cuadra
2024-03-08 insert coo Ron Cuadra
2024-03-08 update person_description Michael Cuadra => Michael Cuadra
2024-03-08 update person_description Patricia Lam => Patricia Lam
2024-03-08 update person_description Ron Cuadra => Ron Cuadra
2024-03-08 update person_description Vivian Luo => Vivian Luo
2024-03-08 update person_title Michael Cuadra: VP Sales & Underwriting (Lic. M17002234) => VP Underwriting and Sales (Lic. M17002234)
2024-03-08 update person_title Ron Cuadra: Executive Vice President => COO
2021-08-03 delete source_ip
2021-08-03 insert source_ip
2021-04-26 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2021-04-26 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2021-02-02 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-02-02 delete person Ada Hsiang
2021-02-02 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2021-02-02 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-02-02 update person_title Christine Xu: President and Principal Mortgage Broker => President and Principal Mortgage Broker ( Lic. M08000638 )
2021-02-02 update person_title Michael Cuadra: VP Underwriting and Sales => VP Sales & Underwriting (Lic. M17002234)
2021-02-02 update person_title Patricia Lam: VP Training / King City Branch Manager => VP Sales & Underwriting (Lic. M08001627)
2020-10-14 delete address 4491 Hwy 7, Unionville, ON L3R 1M1
2020-10-14 delete fax 1-866-908-6698
2020-10-14 delete person Amanda Hao
2020-10-14 delete phone 1-905-305-1539
2020-10-14 delete phone 1-905-305-8499 1-905-305-8982
2020-10-14 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2020-10-14 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-10-14 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-10-14 insert phone 416-716-6468
2020-10-14 update person_description Ada Hsiang => Ada Hsiang
2020-10-14 update person_description Michael Cuadra => Michael Cuadra
2020-10-14 update person_description Ron Cuadra => Ron Cuadra
2020-10-14 update person_description Vivian Luo => Vivian Luo
2020-10-14 update website_status DomainNotFound => OK
2020-08-01 update website_status OK => DomainNotFound
2020-06-10 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2020-06-10 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-06-10 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-06-10 delete phone 905-305-8499 905-305-8982
2020-06-10 insert address 4491 Hwy 7, Unionville, Ontario L3R 1M1
2020-06-10 insert phone 1-905-305-1539
2020-06-10 insert phone 1-905-305-8499 1-905-305-8982
2020-05-11 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-11 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-11 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-11 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-11 insert alias MBC
2020-05-11 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-11 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-11 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-11 insert phone 1-905-305-8499
2020-05-11 update person_description Ada Hsiang => Ada Hsiang
2020-05-11 update person_description Amanda Hao => Amanda Hao
2020-05-11 update person_description Christine Xu => Christine Xu
2020-05-11 update person_description Michael Cuadra => Michael Cuadra
2020-05-11 update person_description Patricia Lam => Patricia Lam
2020-05-11 update person_description Ron Cuadra => Ron Cuadra
2020-05-11 update person_description Vivian Luo => Vivian Luo
2020-05-11 update person_title Ada Hsiang: Manager; Manager Mortgage Underwriting => Underwriting Manager
2020-05-11 update person_title Amanda Hao: Manager; Manager Mortgage Underwriting => Underwriting Manager
2020-05-11 update person_title Michael Cuadra: VP Underwriting and Sales; VP Sales and Service for Money Broker Canada => VP Underwriting and Sales
2020-05-11 update person_title Patricia Lam: VP Training and Development for Money Broker Canada => VP Training / King City Branch Manager
2020-05-11 update person_title Ron Cuadra: Executive Vice President; Executive Vice President for Money Broker Canada => Executive Vice President; Energy Executive VP
2020-05-11 update person_title Vivian Luo: Accounting Manager => Senior Client Service Manager
2020-04-10 delete address 4400 Hwy 7 E. (Kennedy/ Hwy7), Markham, ON L3R 1M2
2020-04-10 insert address 4491 Hwy 7, Unionville, ON L3R 1M1
2020-04-10 update primary_contact 4400 Hwy 7 E. (Kennedy/ Hwy7), Markham, ON L3R 1M2 => 4491 Hwy 7, Unionville, ON L3R 1M1
2020-01-29 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-01-29 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2020-01-29 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-01-29 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-01-29 insert phone 905-305-8499 905-305-8982
2019-06-29 update robots_txt_status 404 => 200
2019-06-29 update robots_txt_status 404 => 200