Updated 41 days ago
Private Limited Company
- Active - 10921919 (CH)
- Age: 7 years
- ID: 39420945/58
Southway House, 29 Southway, Colchester, Essex CO2 7BA
• 62012 - Business and domestic software development
As well as being a tool as part of a careers service's online offering to enhance skills literacy and improve outcomes, Occumi has a variety of possible use cases depending on your institution's needs. Whether it is using Occumi as a part of employability modules, using it as a tool during careers coaching sessions or giving specialised support to placement students, or something else; we can help your institution achieve its goals... Occumi's innovative approach to transferable skills has been implemented in several Universities to improve student's employability and improve graduate outcomes... By using Occumi students will understand the importance of their transferable skills in the recruitment process, resulting in better employment prospects. The improved ability to understand and articulate their transferable skills will lead to better long-term employability for students and graduates. Our approach also encourages students and graduates to consider how they can utilise their..
Also known as: OCCUMI LTD
Registration numbers: 10921919 (CH)