Job Titles:
- Head of Knowledge Mobilisation
Job Titles:
- Senior Healthcare Analyst
Job Titles:
- Senior Healthcare Analyst
Job Titles:
- Senior Healthcare Analyst
Job Titles:
- Head of Unit Management and Development
Job Titles:
- Project Support Officer - New Hospital Programme
Job Titles:
- Senior Healthcare Analyst
Job Titles:
- Head of Modelling and Analytics
Job Titles:
- Analytics Manager ( Simulation )
Job Titles:
- Head of Innovations and Academic Partnerships
Peter has worked in the NHS for nearly 40 years. In that time, he has held Director positions in provider, commissioning and strategic NHS organisations. He has also worked nationally - including leading a review of payment systems that reported directly to the then Secretary of State. Peter's long experience adds unique insight to the Strategy Unit's work. He provides critical input at the initiation and concluding stage of most of our larger scale projects.
Job Titles:
- Senior Healthcare Analyst
Job Titles:
- Senior Healthcare Analyst
Job Titles:
- Head of Research and Policy
Job Titles:
- Head of Business Management
Job Titles:
- Senior Healthcare Analyst