David Spinks - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
David is the co-founder of Red Tangerine. He delivers accredited and non-accredited training, supports change initiatives, provides professional facilitation, leads and gets involved with the development of digital products, and he is involved in many our charitable initiatives.

Glaudia Califano - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
Glaudia is passionate about the people side of change and bringing meaningful change into organisations, with a focus on helping teams and organisations deliver customer value in a sustainable way. She has worked with a range of organisations in a range of industries; from small digital agencies to big corporate organisations. She has worked with software and non-software development teams in various capacities from facilitating workshops to getting deeply involved ‘in the trenches' with teams. She soon came to realise the benefit of being part of the bigger picture and getting a deep understanding of the product development lifecyle and the end to end value stream. Over the years she has enhanced her skills and knowledge by taking on different roles and responsibilities across a variety of disciplines such as Scrum Master, Product Ownership, Business Analysis, Service Delivery Management, Agile Coaching and Professional Facilitation. She has guided organisations along their journeys towards business agility, allowing them to inspect and adapt and focus on customer value. She has extensive experience in helping organisations break down silos, enabling the creation of a continuous learning environment that encourages communication, collaboration and innovation. She is passionate about helping organisations identify how value to the customer is delivered, by evaluating what work is performed, where the bottlenecks and waste are and what steps organisations can take incrementally to improve future flow. In 2018 she succesfully completed Kanban Train the Trainer Program from Kanban University to become an Accredited Kanban Trainer (AKT). In 2019 she became part of the trainer community as a Professional Scrum Trainer (PST), which she continued until 2023. She has delivered multiple training classes and other workshops such as: Design Thinking, Design Thinking with Lego® Serious Play®, Design Thinking to map, bridge and integrate cultural diversity and inclusion. She is a cross-cultural competance facilitator and a facilitator of Lego® Serious Play®. However, she is first and foremost a practitioner, working with teams and organisations on a day to day basis. Glaudia is co-author of the following books: Glaudia is the co-founder of Red Tangerine. She is also an active blogger and she is at the forefront of many of our charitable initiatives.

Natasha Hampshire

Job Titles:
  • Designer
Natasha Hampshire is a seasoned multi-disciplinary designer with over 14 years of experience in the design industry. Her passion lies in creating products, services, and experiences that have a positive impact on people's lives. She firmly believes in the transformative power of