Updated 58 days ago
8 Queen Street Lostwithiel Cornwall PL22 0AB
In general, we would provide you with a free estimate or quote, but the cost of a move very much depends on several factors. Firstly, how much is there to move? Secondly, will you be packing yourself? Thirdly, what is the access to the property like, is it straight forward or is it difficult? By answering these questions, we can ascertain vehicles, materials, and manpower needed to complete the move safely and professionally. As a company, we always quote as competitively as we can and represent very good value for money as you know you will be in safe hands with the professionals. We handle furniture carefully with respect and load the vans methodically and in a way where nothing can be damaged, this takes time and experience to learn, which is why you can expect a good job for your money! Please call us now for your free estimate/quote... We are a company that will travel anywhere in Cornwall, the UK, France, and Ireland, for any other destinations, we can provide quotes and advice..
Also known as: S W Removals & Storage Ltd.