Updated 86 days ago
550 East Spring Street Columbus, OH 43215
The Quality Matters Ohio Consortium, a thriving community of over 55 Ohio higher education institutions, collaboratively works together to elevate student success through the pursuit of excellence in online education... QM Ohio also offers something unique to our system, which is a course review bartering system. Instead of paying for each official course review, institutions can initiate what's referred to as a "subscriber-managed" review. This is an official review in every sense, except that we manage the staffing of the review amongst our certified master and peer reviewers instead of relying on QM National to organize and manage the review. Our bartering system allows for institutions to trade "review credits" instead of having to pay for reviewers... Above all, QM Ohio has an incredible community. We want members to be involved, and we have a myriad of ways in which to do so. Members can apply for one of our QM Connect Scholarships, where we pay for you to virtually attend the..
Also known as: QM Ohio, QM Ohio Consortium