Updated 56 days ago
KDS-Delhi is a resource organization engaged in development research, policy studies and entrepreneurship development programmes. As a Resource Centre for the development of various Indian States, KDS is also emerging as a start up promotion centre, entrepreneurship development organization and a centre for policy studies. It has a special focus on Kerala through its international centre for policy studies on Kerala... We provide various technical support services for setting up of research departments in universities and colleges. Various services are offered in the field of development sector with a focus on ideation and incubation of research concepts in policy studies. Identification of research topics for research students and develop winning research proposals in response to tenders are part of our services. We help in the preparation of schedules and questionnaires, field testing, pilot surveys, field surveys, data analysis, preparation of research reports and publications of..
Also known as: KDS-Delhi
Registration numbers: 231661068 (W), S-43730 (W)