Updated 485 days ago
PO Box 6439 Oxnard, CA 93031
We know that time is money. We also know every business is different. That's why we offer convenient ordering through our online store or through Amazon. If you prefer to work with an industry expert, we can connect you with a distributor in your area...
Now accepted by land oil drilling, heavy construction and agricultural equipment, mining, recycling and others, Alco-Metalube has become the benchmark lubricant able to withstand the punishing shock and stress exerted by the demands of more powerful machinery hardly imagined a generation ago. The double gravity and uniqueness of Alco-Metalube outperform ordinary weight greases, including synthetic and silicone. This shear resistant toughness results in improved production, while minimizing expensive repairs and downtime...
Our loyal customers include major corporations, governmental agencies, expert dealerships and field distributors still loyally "spreading the good word."
Also known as: Alco-Metalube, Alco-Metalube Company, LLC
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