Dr Stuart Cunningham

Stuart is a senior lecturer in computing with research interests in the field of computer sound and music. Stuart worked with us managing our pilot research with Pendine Park Care. He is attached to both Glyndwr University and Manchester Metropolitan University.

Fabia Anderson

Job Titles:
  • Musical Director
Fabia wrote the original research at Liverpool Hope University that became the background to Memory Tracks. A composer, performer, singing teacher, and Musical Director, Fabia has used music in many forms of social therapy.

Fran Hamilton

Job Titles:
  • Dementia Specialist Occupational Therapist
Fran is a Dementia Specialist Occupational Therapist and provides our clinical understanding of dementia. Fran supports and promotes wellbeing for people at all stages of dementia through her work in the NHS, with care homes and home care providers.

Gordon Anderson - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Expert in product development, and market entry. After an early career in the music business with the major record labels, he went to help establish the BBC's commercial entertainment software division. Following a decade in disruptive start-ups across mobile, smart home and entertainment, launching successful apps, Gordon set up his own business consultancy to help start-up tech businesses establish within Europe.

Lance Phillips

Job Titles:
  • Partner at Sheridan 's Law
Lance is a Partner at Sheridan's Law, working across the firm's music, media and interactive departments and has been advising Memory Tracks on music licensing and the impact of different business models on the cost of licensing. Originally as part of the UnLtd mentoring programme, Lance has continued to support the Memory Tracks and LifeTracks mission of using music to support better health.

Mark Brill

Job Titles:
  • Operation Lead
The operations lead in the business, along with marketing, user design and UX. Mark was a pioneer of mobile communications and ran his own SMS business for many years. He has most recently focused on emerging technologies; wearables, VR, holographic projection and artificial intelligence. Mark is a Senior Lecturer in Future Media at BCU, and also Lecturer at UCA.

Paresh Shah

Job Titles:
  • Finance Lead
  • Financial Expert
Paresh Shah is the financial expert on the team, with experience in venture capital and manufacturing. Paresh and Gordon worked together on new business funding in the early 2000's. Paresh is a certified account and is a graduate of the London School of Economics and has an MBA from the Manchester Business School.

Prof Catherine Loveday

Catherine is a cognitive neuroscientist at Westminster University with a keen understanding of music and dementia, and a PhD in the neuropsychology of memory and ageing. She is author of "The Secret World of the Brain" and frequently appears as an expert psychologist on BBC Radio 4's All In The Mind.

Sarah Edwards

Job Titles:
  • Artist in Residence With Pendine Park Care
Sarah is the Artist in Residence with Pendine Park Care group and had been managing the studies of the Memory Tracks prototype with care staff and residents. Sarah will continue to advise and monitor our care studies as we progress our understanding.