Updated 10 days ago
Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167 08025 Barcelona, Spain
Our mission is to prevent the environmental impact of production and consumption in the Mediterranean region by choosing the path to reduce carbon emissions, preserve natural resources and take the pathway towards a sustainable future and a healthier planet. As individual or organisation, you can contribute to that mission by switching to more sustainable consumption and procurement options... Our main targets are The Switchers, businesses implementing innovative ecological and social solutions that contribute to a switch to sustainable and fair consumption and production models. They are active in a variety of fields, including organic food, renewable energy, waste management, sustainable tourism, organic textile, sustainable building, organic cosmetics, and sustainable mobility, among others... In order to create an enabling ecosystem for sustainable enterprises, through The Switchers Support Programme we work closely with green and circular entrepreneurs and companies, business..
Also known as: The Switchers Fund