Updated 43 days ago
- Age: 14 years
- ID: 34827892/59
United Kingdom
Townsend Theatre Productions are a professional community interest company (CIC) with an outstanding reputation for producing imaginative, entertaining, socially relevant live theatre. The company believe that access to the arts (as audience, as participants, as co-creators and artists) can result in improved outcomes for health, education, inclusion, social cohesion, life-enhancing leisure and economic growth for individuals, communities, society and the environment... Townsend Theatre Productions' mission is to develop a programme of artistic projects which represent a successful combination of the imagination and inspiration of artists and the understanding and aspiration of the communities that the artistic programme will serve... Townsend Theatre Productions was established in 2011 by Louise Townsend and Neil Gore. We are one of the leading, most respected political touring theatre companies in the country. "A company making a name for delivering vivid, politically committed..