Updated 6 days ago
53 West Jackson Suite 1101 Chicago, IL 60604
We represent clients in state and federal criminal cases and federal civil rights cases. We specialize in fighting the government when someone is charged with a crime or when the government has violated our client's rights. We stand up to the government to protect our clients on a wide array of cases, charges, and situations. We fight for the justice deserved when our clients' rights have been violated. Our experience can help you...
We are diligent and passionate lawyers. Our vast experience in and out of the courtroom has resulted in successful outcomes for our clients. We have devoted our careers to protecting our clients from the government. Our strength is our work ethic, intellect and experience. We are committed and loyal to each client. We fight for the rights, freedom and interest of each client, leaving no stone unturned. We are the advocate every client needs and every client deserves.
Also known as: Bedi & Singer LLP