Updated 867 days ago
- Age: 11 years
- ID: 34319794/71
St Saviour's Road St Saviour Jersey JE2 7LA
Transform Acupuncture is based at Lido Medical Centre in Jersey Channel Islands. We offer a range of integrated and professional services from acupuncture, cupping, sports massage, deep tissue and Swedish massage alongside lifestyle and nutritional advice and Integrative counselling. Transform Acupuncture is based in Lido Medical Centre in Jersey in the Channel Islands. Your health and well-being is at the forefront of our service...
I was astounded, after a few minutes of having the needles in, I felt a shift in my stomach, my stomach started to gurgle, and I was able to eat a second time that day. What was even better, every time I had acupuncture the same thing happened! I was fascinated, hugely relieved, and decided I had to find out more about this amazing and wonderful medicine! (Ooh, and my stomach eventually started working properly!)...
I am passionate about health, particularly mental health, and continue to learn, listen, and reflect so that I can support your healing too.
Also known as: TRANSFORM