Updated 20 days ago
United Kingdom
Our mediation team at MIAMS offer a pr ofessional, experienced and friendly service and are part of the family mediation council. Our team will be with you every step of the way. Speak to us or send our team an email to arrange your Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings (MIAMS) and the FM1 form...
A MIAM meeting can help you to understand all the plausible alternatives. We are able to help you resolve your divorce mediation issues quickly and amicably...
As part of the service we offer at MIAMS Mediation we make the divorce process, and associated mediation, considerably less complex and stressful for all parties concerned.
Registration numbers: ZB376258 (W)
Associated domains: albion-mediation.co.uk, area5.co.uk, capitolfamilymediation.co.uk, countrywidemediation.co.uk, familymediationchoice.co.uk, familymediationservice.org.uk, fixedpricedivorceservice.co.uk, freefamilymediation.co.uk, justdivorcemediation.co.uk, nationalfamilymediationservice.co.uk, solentfamilymediation.co.uk, trusted-mediators.co.uk