Updated 7 days ago
Jl. Raya Cakung Cilincing KM 1,23 Jakarta Timur, 13910
After more than a quarter of a century, PT. Antikaraya Niaganusa continuously provides service and network developments that will reach all consumers in Indonesia. Today, Our networks include: PT. Antika Raya (Surabaya), PT. Antika Sanjaya (Semarang), PT. Alfaraya Mitraniaga (Bandung), PT. Bintang Makassar Raya (Makassar), PT. Antika Dewata Perkasa (Bali), CV. Antika Bengawan Perkasa (Solo)...
Occupied a simple workshop in Sunter area in October 1985, we built and introduced the first product to the market...
Our products are designed to suit customer's particular need in variety of choices tailored to customer needs such as; goods transporter in various dimensions, models, purposes, etc.