Updated 25 days ago
420 S. Ervay St. #200, Dallas, Tx 75201
Effective Security Guard is a fast growing company with our corporate office in the DFW Area! We are a full service company with sites all over Texas. Effective Private Investigations Security Guard Professionals in Dallas, TX... Effective Guard Professionals is a company that focuses on taking the time to train our employees to be effective. What is an effective guard ? Our guards are trained to be the effective K.E.Y at your site. They are certified in more than two dozen courses that extensively train our diverse force to be Keen, Efficient, and say Yes to your needs to become a solution to most of your security concerns. We are a fast growing security firm with our corporate office in the DFW Area! We are a full service company that services all of Texas. We offer an array of customization options to service any client, big or small. We are professionals that come with an abundance of years of experience, together with hands on knowledge, and cutting edge technology!... Y - Yes...
Also known as: Effective Guard Professionals