Updated 285 days ago
- Age: 18 years
- ID: 31706038/92
Campus-Boulevard 30 52074 Aachen
ACAM is the one-stop-shop for Additive Manufacturing, covering the entire process chain, from design stage through to quality control and focuses on topics such as process chain automation, the development of customized materials, increasing productivity and reducing turnaround times...
ACAM is the leading network that leverages research and industry collaboration and offers guidance throughout the implementation of Additive Manufacturing...
With our consulting services individually tailored to your needs, we support you in aligning your corporate strategy for the future. While Technology Scanning gives you an overview of new technologies, trends and markets, Technology Scouting goes from overview to detail and provides you with individual assessments of technology information. In technology monitoring, we systematically observe these over a longer period of time.
Also known as: ACAM
Registration numbers: HRB 19782 (W)
VAT numbers: DE301282763