Updated 121 days ago
We aims to develop tools that simplify and automate your working with ASN.1 specifications. Our ASN.1 tools include: an IDE, the ASN.1 Development Tools that bring the power of software development environments to the specification language ASN.1, and compilers and runtime libraries that minimize your development time and effort. We are on the cutting edge of bringing all type of systems into communication in the rapidly changing world... Our initial product is a plugin for Eclipse which brings the enhanced productivity of a software design environment to writing ASN.1. This product has been in development for several years and has been used in the development of ASN.1 specifications... The ASN.1 Development Tools(ASNDT) is a collection of plugins developed for the Eclipse platform that together make an IDE for ASN.1 protocol specification designers. Our goal is to simplify and automate the mundane tasks of application protocol designers so that they can focus on the information that..
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