Updated 510 days ago
Gloucester Road Hampton Middlesex TW12 2UQ
Hampton Prep is in a stunning new state-of-the-art building located off Gloucester Road. The building has many environmentally friendly features including a ‘living roof' and ground source heat pumps which help keep the building warm in the winter and cool during the summer months. Outdoor space includes grass playing fields, an all-weather games area, and ‘the allotment corner' with raised beds for growing flowers and vegetables, and a potting shed... Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School is an exciting place in which to learn. Our knowledge-rich curriculum is bespoke to us and lessons are engaging, rich and enormous fun. We make the most of every child's natural curiosity, creativity and flair to ensure that all our pupils thrive and flourish... The Hampton Trust offers superb all-round education from the age of 3 - 18 and there are close links between the prep and senior schools. When it is time for our boys and girls to move on, it is of paramount importance to us that they continue..
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