Updated 18 days ago
PO Box 1083 Grand Lake, CO 80447
For as long as I can remember, my family has collected distinctive treasures. The antiques and props that I bring to Thine Designs weren't purchased recently so I could start a business, they have been accumulated over decades by my parents and myself. Combining my background in design and event planning with a passion for vintage finds, the idea to share my collection was born. Thine Designs is a labor of love, and my collection holds all the memories and weathered history that makes its authenticity so perfect in these rustic, mountain surroundings...
Thine Designs can deliver your vintage items and then step away, allowing you to unleash your creativity, or grant you a stress-free experience where all you are responsible for is showing up and gasping in amazement, along with your guests. Thine Designs welcomes the opportunity to work with individuals and/or event planners. Fill out the contact form below, call or email for more information.