Updated 1 day ago
Vivaaga Building, #637, Oppanakara Street, Coimbatore - 641 001 Tamilnadu, INDIA
KKV Agro Powers is an Independent Power Producer (IPP) and Renewable Power Generation company located in Coimbatore...
Our company is operating under Open Access Regulation under Electricity Act 2003 . Our Company was incorporated as "Nachas Wind Energy Private Limited", being a private limited company under the Companies Act,1956, with the Registrar of Companies, Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore. The name of our company was changed to "KKV Agro Powers Private Limited". Subsequently our...
The splendid economic growth in India along with its massive population has led to enormous demand for sources of power and energy. But high fuel costs, as well as rising concerns of population have not made this easy. A good alternative is generating electricity through wind turbines & solar power plants . This is where we at KKV Agro Powers can help you.
Also known as: KKV Agro Powers Limited