Updated 861 days ago
Leuphana University Lüneburg Universitätsallee 1 D-21335 Lüneburg
Leuphana University is a foundation under public law. This provides the university with a high degree of autonomy and responsibility. The organisation of degree programmes is incumbent on the College for bachelor's degrees, the Graduate School for master's and doctoral degrees and the Professional School for all continuing education programmes. The four faculties administratively support the four research initiatives. All service facilities at Leuphana are regarded as university management...
At Leuphana College, your individual study program is created from major, minor and complementary studies...
But there is more to studying than that. It is about suggestions, even irritations, to think for yourself and to search for yourself. Understanding is a path you have to take yourself. It requires freedom, time and confidence. And these things you will get at Leuphana College. We call it liberal education.
Also known as: Leuphana College, Leuphana Semester