Updated 6 days ago
340B Health 1350 I Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20005
340B Health is a membership organization of more than 1,500 public and private nonprofit hospitals and health systems participating in the federal 340B drug pricing program. To support our members, 340B Health monitors, educates, and serves as an advocate on federal legislative and regulatory issues related to drug pricing and other matters affecting safety-net providers. We provide a wide variety of education programs and materials to assist our members in operating fully-compliant, high-quality programs. Our membership consists of a broad spectrum of hospitals, including academic medical centers, community hospitals, children's hospitals, and rural facilities...
340B Health is a nonprofit membership organization of more than 1,500 public and private non-profit hospitals and health systems throughout the U.S. that participate in the 340B drug pricing program. We are the leading advocate and resource for those hospitals who serve their communities through participation in 340B.
Also known as: 340B Health, Inc.
Associated domains: 340binsight.org, 340binsightpodcast.com, 340binsightpodcast.org, 340bpodcast.com, 340bpodcast.org, stop340bcuts.org, the340bpodcast.com, the340bpodcast.org