Updated 6 days ago
9 Arts Link, Singapore 117572
My lab has made significant contributions to the understanding of how working memories are encoded in the LPFC in the presence of distractors. We provided solid evidence that stable maintenance of working memory can coexists with strong neural dynamics (Parthasarathy, A., Herikstad, R., Bong, J.H., Medina, F.S., Libedinsky, C.* and Yen, S.C.*, Nature Neuroscience, 2017; Parthasarathy, A., Tang, C., Herikstad, R., Cheong, L.F., Yen, S.C.* and Libedinsky, C.*, Nature Communications, 2019; Tang, C., Herikstad, R., Parthasarathy, A., Libedinsky, C.* and Yen, S.C.*, eLife, 2020). In this body of work, we leveraged the dynamical systems perspective (Libedinsky 2023) to show that working memory information can be encoded in a stable manner (Parthasarathy et al., 2019), despite strong temporal dynamics (Parthasarathy et al., 2017). Furthermore, we showed that these strong temporal dynamics can be explained by the temporal overlap of 2 different types of information within the same neural..